I spent last week on a choreographic residency. A very handy one though, as the dance studio is just around the corner (well.....in this case, more exactely just around the little lake) It wasn´t too hard either, because I will only present my dance solo in a couple of weeks time, and I know I can rehearse in between.
Weather had been slightly better around here, at least temperatures are not so bad and there is both sunny and rainny intervals. Not so good as to encourage me to change very much in terms of style though....I am still at cave woman stage, as I tend to be during winter. Nevertheless, cave woman (and boyfriend) went out to a friend´s house saturday night and had a very enjoyable time until past 5 am......nedless to say my sunday wasn´t at all a productive one, but maybe a needed a lazy sunday anyway. Not so sure I needed the half-lazy monday I had today but hey...tomorrow is another day and I intend to craft the hell out of it.
I will also pumper myself a bit with the new hair products I bought the other day (I run out of the ones I had, and they are the supermarkets make....so not that exciting...but that particular supermarket has a good white lable for the hair products so...not too bad either) My hair seriously need to be cut. Not big time cut, as I am not ready for that (and I like it long anyway), but it needs to be trimmed.....seriously trimmed. And dyed, by the way! I am holding on because I need my hair as long as possible for my choreography....All in name of art :P :P
I am so happy to have followers on my blog. Hi all! Thank you for following. And thank you as well for anyone who is reading :) I am trying to get to know each one of you, just give me time ;)
Wishing everybody a great week, maybe we´ll start ot feel a bit of spring in our hearts......just maybe.....
:) wellcome to my room of wonders.
what a wonderful array of felted creations.