You know how they say if you believe in magic, magic happens? 

Well.....I think it's true. I always had problems with the flow of life. Life felt bumpy and back and forward for me, rather than flowy, and I always wanted a flowy life. But recently, I have realised there might be reasons for my lack of flow. When I started reading about undiagnosed ADHD in adult women I had a huge lightbulb moment. I won't go into it today, that is the subject of a different post. Today, I need to make a note of the magical nature of life. How, sometimes, things come your way. I was always extremely lucky with the people I found along my path. And recently, I feel I have been finding an army of kind angels who somehow, add to my life in ways they have no idea about. People who, out of the kindness of their hearts, decide to offer me something. Some things are big, some things are apparently small. But all of them have been making such a huge difference.

So this post is an ode to the angels. It's a recognition of how thankful I am for their actions, for those little acts of kindness that have added so much to my life. Thank you. 

I need a photo to illustrate this, but I feel it must be created specifically for the purpose. 


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