My world
My world is populated by magical creatures. My mind wonders through the labyrinths of creation and only comes down to praticallity when absolutely necessary. I dream of unicorns and blossoming trees, flying baloons and petals rain, tea parties and talking cats, flying on my umbrella and dressing up for the ball. In my world I like to play up with colours and lights and movement and sounds and shapes that have never been made but have really been there forever. I hear birds and I breathe clean air and I close my ears when I don´t like what I see. My time is eternal and my body always dances, because I dress as a princess and act as an artist. I love through my skin and hear through my fingers, get muddy on rainy days and follow every rainbow. I have a secret place I carry around with me, a magical case big enough to have me inside. I close myself in it for days and days and then one afternoon wy house in invaded by what my hands made up. Water runs through my fingers as they are my magi...