Different ways of communicating doesn't equal different or lesser depth of feelings.....

It's common in the neuro-divergent world for people to mask our reactions to the exterior world. We pretend to be 'normal'. Which is weird and contradictory...because what makes us stand out is exactly being somehow different. I have no problems standing my ground against a society that dictates rules I don't agree with. But with personal/social interactions I often follow the other person's lead. Which means if you're a hugger, I'll probably welcome hugs, if you keep your distance, I will probably do the same. It takes a huge amount of trust and a perfectly clear situation for me to be able to cross barriers on my own, without the other person's lead. That usually means that if people take one step back I will usually take three just in case I was intruding too much. In other words, I'm terrible at making myself clear sometimes, unless people actually speak openly about what it is they want to say. Although I am also the master of weird and deep connections that go way beyond words. 

If relationships in general, were a dance, I could never lead. Exception made to my children, with whom I could dance to the end of love easily. 


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