Life is crazy busy at the moment. I got myself involved in so many activities, I am having a hard time knowing if I'm coming or going. But, strangely enough, I am still enjoying it and I am not overwhelmed. Confused and all over the place? Yeah, maybe...  But not (yet, at least) overwhelmed. Which is an excellent sign for me. So what's the teaching for the week?

I think believe in your path. Take one step after the other and we actually build it along the way. Drop what doesn't serve you anymore. But try not to drop things out of fear. Drop them out of a conscious decision that you know they do not serve your proposes anymore.

I was so afraid to get more involved. I was so afraid it would be too much. But now the kids are a bit older more things are becoming possible. I can't do it all. Nobody can. What we can and we do is to make choices. Make your choices. And step forward. One step is better than no step. Half a step will still take you further than no step. If you take one step per day, that's 365 steps per year. 

Challenges don't work for me. Flexibility and persistence, on the other hand, do. For example, I have been wanting to exercise more, for years. I needed it. The whole turning 50 makes you realise even more that you actually do need it. Not because of the number, but because your body starts to creak and scream at every corner. But I can't be consistent about it. I joined a yoga class. It was free and it's doable. And the teacher is beyond lovely. It's not exhausting, I could actually do more. But you know what? It's a lot better than the yoga class I would do if I didn't go. By the end of the 10 weeks, it will be more 10 yoga classes I wouldn't have done otherwise.
 I could take the kids to school walking every day. I don't. Sometimes we are running late. Sometimes the weather is dreadful. But when I manage, I will. And if I do it say 3 times a week, those 25min of extra walking I do back and forth will transform into 5 more hours I will have walked that month, compared to never ever walking to school. I don't manage one drawing per day. But if I manage 5 per week, that's 20 drawings per month. See where I am getting? Just do it. It adds up. And don't beat yourself up for not doing it. Just shift your attention to the times you did it and how it made you feel. Did it make you feel good? Then maybe do it again. 

And those days in which you can do nothing but curl under a blanket with Netflix and cookies? They are important too. Those moments scrolling on your phone? They happen. Stop beating yourself up. Just try to find the moment in which you can manage more. Self-critique hardly ever leads to more production of perfection. 


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