All my life I have searched for magic. The older I get, the more I find magic in little things, everyday reachable little things.  
Today I went to Swansea, to the fabulous Elysium gallery, after dropping my child at the equally fabulous Volcano Theatre for a Storyopolis art session. In Elysium they had a workshop going on, run by my dear friend and brilliant artist Karen Hopkins and the also amazing artist Lucy Donald. We were painting nesting dolls. These were mine, I only got to the second one, and it's not finished yet, but I am still pretty chuffed with the result.  (thank you, Karen, for the photos!)

I have always wanted, for my entire life, to explore visual arts more deeply. I feel so privileged, both for having deep ongoing passions for things and for having the opportunity to finally explore them. This school year will be a year of exploring visual arts more deeply. I will start to connect photography with other mediums, like charcoal and paints. I have enrolled for a series of courses and I am keeping my artistic practice very alive. 

And this is what I mean when I say age doesn't, really, matter. Health matters, but age doesn't. Notice my 70's patterned trousers and bright orange hair to prove it. Notice how I dive in on any art workshop, whether I have the technique behind me to support it or not. 

It's your life, don't let society determine your script. Be you, fully, entirely, unapologetically. Be free. Dive in and live it. It doesn't matter if you're colourful or monochrome if you like art or maths, if your idea of fun is jumping out of a plane or stay home with a book (definitely on the second group myself lol). Just go and be you, be you fully and enjoy it. It's worth it. It's doable. Get that tattoo when you can afford it, buy that dress you're not sure you have a place to wear and wear it to walk the dog. Or to dance in the living room. Do that course, be involved in that activity you always wanted to do and you now think you're too old for it. Get that crazy colour on your walls. Or colour-coordinate your full house if that's your cup of tea. Find your tribe. Your soul mates. Not exclusively your romantic soul mate. Your life soul mates. The people that make you feel being you truly is amazing. Have 1 close friendship or have 15, it doesn't matter. But live them fully. Do you and do it fully. It's worth it. Nobody will do it for you. And if anyone is preventing you from being yourself....either ditch them or impose boundaries. Be kind....but be kind to yourself too. Enjoy your time, because if you are anywhere as well lived as myself, you will know that there is plenty not to enjoy along the way. 

Cheers to life <3 


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