Change or new blog?

I either need to slightly change this blog or start a new one where I can gather all the different directions I want to follow regarding blogging. I could also keep 2 blogs going as I used to....

I really don't want to delete my old blogs, including this one, because messy as they are, they are my begginings, my first experiences and I am a memory keeper. I wish I could just gather the information contained in two of my blogs, merge them into one and start from there.

As for what will be covered by my blog, I intend to keep on the personal style side of it, but would like to add other bits and pieces that alltogether have a lot to do with my personal universe: a bit about the way I add poetry to my days, some comments about motherhood (as it was to be expected), some crafting, whenever I have time to do that again, my photography, my trips and small things that just make my life special. That would probably be the big filosophy of it: little things that make my life special and also that make it MY life, and not anybody else's life. But this time, for a change, I would like to do it a little bit more structurely. Maybe have fixed days every week for different subjects. I know too well the lack of structure eventually leads to months without writing.

Another thing that will be subject of my writing will undoubtly be my thrifty findings. I am expecting to open a vintage shop soon, on either etsy or dawanda, and this is a good place to start putting my ideas together.

And, at last but not at least, I would like a change of look.....I don't mind my blog layout but I am looking for something else...haven't found out what just yet...


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